How to delete InstallESD.dmg (or any undeletable file) in macOS Trash

Aaron Medina
1 min readJan 18, 2021


There are times that we encounter stubborn files that can’t be deleted in Trash for some reason.

If you already tried restarting your mac, changing the file permission via Get Info, and deleting the file by force through terminal, then you may also try disabling the SIP (System Integrity Protection) temporarily.


I. Disable the System Integrity Protection

  1. Shutdown your mac.
  2. Boot into Recovery mode.
    Click the power button and hold down Command + R until you see the Apple Logo.
  3. Click Utilities.
  4. Select Terminal.
  5. Type csrutil status, it should be enabled by the default.
  6. Type csrutil disable, it will disable the SIP.
  7. Restart your machine and let it boot normally.

II. Empty Trash

  1. Login to your account.
  2. Empty your Trash.

III. Restore/Enable the System Integrity Protection

  1. Restart your mac.
  2. Boot into Recovery mode.
  3. Click Utilities.
  4. Select Terminal.
  5. Type csrutil enable.
  6. Type csrutil status, to check if it’s enabled.
  7. Restart your mac.

